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The Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag trailer made its way to YouTube today, and confirmed a lot of the details about that were rumored this week about the PS3, Xbox 360 PC and Wii U game.
The two-minute AC4 trailer features the 18th century renowned raider Blackbeard talking about “a fearsome dog” worse than himself. Cue the speculated Captain Edward Kenway, who is mentioned by name in the video.
“There was a time when I thought myself the deadliest surge of the seas,” says the Blackbeard character in the Assassin’s Creed 4 trailer. “I’ve seen him clear the deck of a Spanish Dallion like it was nothing. Fighting as a devil, dressed like a man.”
Captain Edward Kenway, said to be the grandfather of the previous game’s Connor, wears the familiar Assassin’s Creed hooded getup in AC4: Black Flag. However, he carries a pair of 17th century revolver guns and two cutlass pirate swords.
Blackbeard talks about Edward Kenway in the trailer that switches from pirates listening to the tale in what looks like a seaside watering hole while CG footage is spliced in of Kenway taking on ships in the midst of combat.
“Only don’t meddle in his private affairs,” warns the Blackbeard character of Kenway, setting up AC4 for the Ubisoft franchise’s usual twist. “For there’s more mystery in that man than I dare ask.”
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag is sure to have players swinging from ship-to-ship in commandeering raids and visiting similar water holes at every turn. Gaming target will update its news about AC4 Black Flag when the official trailer - not the leaked YouTube video below - makes its way to the Internet on now-pretty-meaningless “reveal” date, March 4.