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Elder Scrolls Online is now available for Xbox One and PS4. Unfortunately not many people are able to play it at the moment for a couple of reasons. For starters there is a 15gb day one patch that you will need to update. The other reason is that the servers are getting hit so hard right now that very few people are being allowed to log in. Most people are being greeted with a “Login Failed. Connection to server timed out. Please try again” message. Bethesda is aware of these problems though. In the Elder Scrolls Online forum the admin “ZOS_JasonLeavey” put forth the following statement:
”Hey everyone. We’re working on getting this resolved as soon as possible. We’ll update you as soon as everything is up and running. Thanks for your patience!”
Unfortunately this has become commonplace for a lot of games that require heavily on online such as Driveclub, The Master Chief Collection and now this. With that said though I have all the confidence in the world that the launch for Elder Scrolls Online on Xbox One and PS4 will be nowhere near as disastrous and drawn out as Driveclub and the Master Chief Collection.
In Elder Scrolls Online players can bring their Elder Scrolls experience online for the first time. You can choose your own style of play as you embark on your epic adventure across all of Tamriel, playing alone on a heroic quest as in previous Elder Scrolls games, exploring the huge, rich world with a few select friends or playing with hundreds of others in massive PvP battles to save the Empire.
Will you be picking up Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbox One and/or the PS4? If you already have the game, have you been able to log on at all? Tell us about your experiences below.