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Which Game Looked The Best At the Xbox Developer Direct?

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
South of Midnight
Ninja Gaiden 4
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
Doom: The Dark Ages

Applications should be mailed to the Publisher, Matt Swider, at
Gaming Target has been opening new doors due to expansion and that means there's room for additional qualified individuals. To apply, please send your name, details of prior experience, links of past work and any other information that may aid you in obtaining this volunteer position. While that means there's no pay just yet, each job comes with valuable experience and benefits (i.e. free games and passes to gaming events). We're looking for the best of the best, so good luck!

News Writers are responsible for reeling in the latest buzz of the gaming industry, translating it into something readable for visitors and posting it on Gaming Target. This daily commitment can be accomplished quickly thanks to our database that requires no HTML knowledge. Thus, candidates need only the ability to collect interesting news stories and deliver them in a creative fashion. To apply for this job, click here

Preview, Review and Feature Writers, known as assignment writers, review and preview games as well as write features based on the latest happenings within the gaming industry. At least one of these types of updates is required for a weekly deadline. While this means commitment is crucial, if you can meet such deadlines, the rest of this job is all about fun and games. Good luck to applicants and be sure to specify which systems to you own so that we know what sections you'll be able to work under. To apply for this job, click here

Game Counselors gather codes for our database, write walkthroughs and act as an aid to readers as they attempt to finish video games. The cheat codes section of Gaming Target is rather new, but one we're excited about and if you're a codes junkie, a game counselor position might be right for you. To apply for this job, click here

Artists assist our creation of main page update images and other graphic needs throughout the site. Ability to improve upon our design as time goes on and a creative mind are a plus. Please send sample artwork to us along with information on your prior experience. To apply for this job, click here

Applications should be mailed to Managing Editor John Scalzo at

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