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GENRE: Fighting
PLAYERS:   1-2
May 25, 2010

UFC Undisputed 3

UFC Undisputed 3

UFC Undisputed

UFC Undisputed 2010

UFC Undisputed 2010

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 Written by John Scalzo  on July 29, 2009

News: And the company also has plans to make UFC a yearly franchise.

THQ has released their quarterly financial report and during the company's conference call with investors, THQ President and CEO Brian Farrell has revealed a few games the company has planned for the future.

UFC 2009 Undisputed launched in May to good reviews and huge sales. So it's no surprise that THQ plans to continue the series. But according to Farrell, new Ultimate Fighting Championship games will now be released yearly, like the company's WWE offerings:

We plan to launch games based on UFC on an annual basis and to build this franchise with new technology and game play, additional platforms and increase sales outside of North America as the UFC brand continues its global expansion.

Did Farrell say UFC would be coming to "additional platforms" too? Yes he did. And later in the call he confirmed that next year's game would also be coming to the Wii and handheld systems:

Next year, our UFC games will include new features and game modes as we build on the ground breaking fighting technology established this year. Over time, we plan to build our UFC franchise by expanding international sales and by developing games on new platforms such as hand held's and the Nintendo Wii.

Farrell would go on to say that THQ is extremely pleased with the success of Red Faction: Guerrilla and that the company would continue to support the game with downloadable content and eventually a sequel:

We plan to continue to build this franchise by [leveraging] Red Faction Guerilla's outstanding technology platform in the future.

Of course, as this was a financial briefing, THQ did not reveal any other information about the next UFC and Red Faction games.

We'll have more soon.

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