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It appears that I was slightly off with my prediction of the big WiiWare reveal that was teased for this week's edition of the Nintendo Week. According to Nintendo, the weekly videocast (available only through the Wii's Nintendo Channel) would showcase a new game that offered "a fresh take on an 8-bit classic". So predicting it would be the previously teased Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth seemed like a gimme. And it was, sort of.
You see, this week's Nintendo Week did feature an appearance by everyone's favorite whipcracking vampire hunter, but it also featured something even better, a WiiWare remake of Excitebike known as Excitebike World Rally.
The game will be available on November 9 and will bring the classic 2D racing of the original Excitebike (which was released in 1985) to the Wii with an updated graphical style. The remake will also include the beloved Track Editor feature as well as online play.
Best of all, the Nintendo Week segment has been posted on YouTube. It may be taken down later in the day, but for now, enjoy this first look at my next WiiWare purchase: