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Capcom Japan has pulled the curtain back on their big Xbox 360 announcement and revealed Monster Hunter Frontier Online.
The Monster Hunter series is huge in Japan, so this is a pretty big "get" for Microsoft, even if the game is a port of a 2007 PC release of the same name. According to Kotaku, the MMO-like game will come with a $15 a month fee that will also include a monthly Xbox Live Gold subscription. Which is a good thing as $15 a month on top of a $50 Gold subscription is highway robbery.
Koataku has also posted the game's debut trailer, so be sure to check it out.
Monster Hunter Frontier Online will be released in Japan for the Xbox 360 sometime this Summer. A North American release date was not revealed, but Capcom is determined to promote the Monster Hunter series on this side of the Pacific, so I'm sure one will be announced eventually.
UPDATE: Here's the trailer, in all its embedded glory...