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 Written by John Scalzo  on January 28, 2010

News: It still prints money, just not as much as in 2008.

Nintendo has revealed a wide variety of sales figures in their quarterly financial report today. Sales of DS and Wii hardware and games were down slightly from 2008, most likely due to the recession and the fact that nearly every gamer in the world already owns a DS or Wii.

Nintendo put some numbers to their April-December fiscal year and revealed that they sold 23.35 million DS systems worldwide. This includes 13.51 million DSi systems, 9.21 DS Lites and 700,000 DSi XL systems, which are currently available only in Japan. As for their home console, the company reported that 17.05 Wii systems were sold during the April-December period. That brings the total number of DS systems to 125 million worldwide, while the Wii has sold almost exactly half that with 67 million.

As far as games go, Nintendo reported that 156.6 million Wii games were sold from April to December 2009 while the DS moved 121.38 million games. This brings worldwide sales totals to 510 million Wii games and 688 million DS games since each system's launch.

And speaking of game sales, Nintendo revealed the lifetime sales totals of several of their 2009 published titles...

Nintendo DS
  • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - 3.45 million
  • Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (Japan Only) - 3.74 million
  • Pokemon Platinum Version - 3.1 million
  • Tomodachi Collection (Japan Only) - 2.74 million

    Nintendo Wii
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 10.55 million
  • Wii Fit Plus - 10.16 million
  • Wii Sports Resort - 13.58 million

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