News: THQ beats EA to the punch.
Kotaku has discovered that THQ's UFC Undisputed 2010 will require an access code for online play, beating EA Sports' "Online Pass" to the punch by a little over a month.
According to THQ, every new copy of the game will include a code that will grant players access to UFC 2010's online features. If a player loses their code, or purchases the game used, a new code can be downloaded from the Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Network for $5.
A THQ statement said, "This multiplayer content for UFC Undisputed 2010 will be available via a one-time code included with the game at purchase. Codes for accessing the content will be available for second-time buyers for an additional $5."
It's currently unknown if an online trial period will be available for renters, but THQ has said more information will be revealed soon at UFC Undisputed 2010's
community site.
UFC Undisputed 2010 will be released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 next week. We'll have more soon.