News: A little pre-E3 slap fighting amongst executives.
Now this is some world class smack talk.
Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has revealed that, per NPD data, Halo 3 has outsold six of Sony's biggest exclusives on the PlayStation 3. The Xbox Product Director tells it like it is on Twitter:
Just in from research team (NPD): Halo 3 has outsold Resistance 1 + 2, Uncharted 1+2, Killzone 2 and God of War III
Those are some pretty impressives sales figures for the Master Chief's first Xbox 360 outing. However, God of War III is still a relatively fresh release and will likely pull Sony's side up in the coming months. As will Uncharted 2 when it reaches Greatest Hits status. So Greenberg's statement may not stay true for very long.
And I'm sure Sony's Kevin Butler will respond in kind very soon, likely referencing Greenberg's mother and any activities she may have engaged in last night.
We'll have more Microsoft vs. Sony shenanigans next week, live from the 2010 E3 Expo.