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GENRE: Action
 Written by John Scalzo  on December 12, 2010

News: I guess "Murder Your Maker" was too harsh for the trailer.

The Spike TV Video Game Awards were held last night and once again the awards themselves took a back seat to the wide variety of "World Premiere Trailers" that debuted during the show.

Like Final Destination, Prototype is a title that doesn't lend itself well to sequels. How can you have a second prototype? You'd have to call it Finished Product or something equally strange.

However, Activision and developer Radical Entertainment have found a solution: new main character! Prototype 2, which is on track for a 2012 release, will star James Heller, a man who wants to destroy Alex Mercer, the original Prototype.

Watch Heller smash in this debut trailer:

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