News: EDF! EDF!

Merry Christmas to me! Siliconera is reporting that D3 Publisher has announced four new titles in the Earth Defense Force series for Japan.
The first, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon for the PS3 and Xbox 360, we already knew about. It'll be released by D3's North American arm in the Spring with a Japanese release to follow in the Summer.
But we in America won't get all the goodies first as Japanese mobile phone owners will get a chance to play Earth Defense Force Legend in January. The PSP gets in on the act with Earth Defense Force 2 Portable being released in Japan sometime next year as well.
Finally, D3 revealed that Earth Defense Force 4, a direct sequel to Earth Defense Force 2017 is in the works. With Insect Armageddon coming this year, it may still be a long way out (D3 didn't even confirm what platforms it's coming to), but it's coming. Or rather, it's invading...