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Cliff Blisinsky and Ice T were on stage at the Microsoft E3 2011 Press Conference to play through a segment of the Gears of War 3 campaign. In addition to the rapper-actor's celebrity appearance, the game demo featured a few surprises. The Gears 3, which enjoyed a successful multiplayer beta recently, looks set to be even bigger in scale than the critically-acclaimed Gears of War 2.
One of the most appealing aspects of the original title was to grab enemy Locust and use them as a Meat Shield. Gears of War 3 looks set to take this concept further by allowing players to use the familiar self-destructing Ticker enemies as weapons. The demo featured an enormous sea creature (much like the one seen in Gears of War 2) chasing a ship manned by the COGs, including Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago. The creature is ultimately destroyed by having a container full of Tickers dropped on top of it.
The Gears of War 3 release date is September 2, which is when the game is set to be the final chapter in this trilogy of the franchise. Of course, we all know how that turned out with the Halo trilogy now that Halo 4 has been confirmed. Be sure to check back for more updates when we have our appoints with Microsof on the E3 2011 showfloor.