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Have you been able to get either a Xbox Series X|S or PS5?

I Have Stopped Looking For Now

 Written by Brian Lelas  on June 07, 2011

E3 2011 News: Whatever you want to call it, we 100% expect that Nintendo will be revealing a lot of news about its next console to replace Wii.

Nintendo's new console

Arguably, the headline announcement of the whole show is due at Nintendo's E3 2011 keynote address, which is where we will see the first piece of the next generation console hardware. Currently being referred to as Project Cafe, Wii 2, Wii HD, or Nintendo Feel, Nintendo will reveal the official title and body of the system itself. The device is said to include a controller complete with a four-inch touchscreen and a more traditional shape than the Wii-mote, fitted with shoulder triggers and face buttons. The specifications are rumored to be somewhat more powerful than a PS3 or Xbox 360 but nobody is sure by how much and more importantly, what this will mean for the games and the budgets they will have to adhere to.

The console will inevitably be shown off with some form of game, and many expect the supposedly Wii-bound Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword to be the one. Nintendo have confirmed that there will be continued support for the Wii, so Zelda could yet surface on the current system. Nintendo will likely show a tech demo of some kind and these typically feature a very famous plumber.

Expect solid details on the 3DS Super Mario title, which promises to be some kind of mixture of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario 64. Other 3DS announcements to look out for include details on Capcom's Resident Evil games on their way to the platform and Nintendo's Kid Icarus reboot. The other expected big-name announcement is that of Mario Kart 3DS, which Shigeru Miyamoto has hinted at recently. A solid Mario Kart 3DS release date should be along for the choatic E3 2011 ride. Nintendo's domination of E3 news might be will be as easy as drawing Super Mario himself.

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