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Have you been able to get either a Xbox Series X|S or PS5?

I Have Stopped Looking For Now

 Written by Brian Lelas  on June 18, 2011

E3 2011 PS3 3D News: PS Vita isn't sporting a 3D screen, but Sony's home console is making use of 3D technology. See what's in store for PS3 3D gaming.

Sony's 3D HDTV for PS3

Sony embraced 3D technology at prior E3s, but at the 2011 SCEA E3 Press Conference, the company unveiled its plan to revolutionize 3D gaming with the invention of local multiplayer on a single HDTV monitor. In a two-player scenario, both 3D glasses-equipped players will see a seperate image on the one screen, cancelling out the need for dividing things up via a split-screen. This technology is something that has been previously thought impossible, but Sony demoed the working tech on last week's E3 showfloor.

Sony's other massive announcement regarding 3D is that Team Ico's two critically-acclaimed PS2 games, Shadow of the Colossus and Ico will be available in September in HD and playable in 3D on PS3. For anyone who has not played these two titles, they are two of the finest and most original games ever to grace a gaming console. The Ico HD Collection is bound to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year for fans of hardcore gaming and it's Sony's first major port of PS2 games that will utilize 3D television technology to enhance immersion and the gameplay experience.

In the same vein, the two portable God of War titles previously only on PSP are being translated to PS3 with full 3D functionality. They will be packaged together as the God of War: Origins Collection, noting they are prequels to the console-based trilogy. The $40 games high-definition remastered have a September 13 release date.

Sony's commitment to 3D looks as stubborn as its support of Blu-Ray, and now most homes are fitted with some form of Blu-Ray player, so keep an eye on this and start considering a 3DTV. Once Sony has gamers behind the trend, there's no stopping the mainstream masses from joining in on the snowballing popular experience. That's just how things seem to work these days.

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