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The team behind fan-film Left 4 Dead The Movie has earned Valve's blessing. This morning, the Washington-based developer posted the film's teaser to the official Left 4 Dead Facebook page. It now has over fifty-thousand hits and climbing. With grizzled veteran Bill as it's protagonist, and shots of Mercy Hospital and incoming helicopters, it seems the micro-budget horror film will focus on the УNo MercyФ campaign from the 2008 zombie shooter. The movie's Facebook page has concept art and cast photos, including a shot of Louisin action. The filmmakers have yet to give a release date, but they have several УbreakdownФ videos which give a behind the scenes glimpse at how they created the teaser's helicopter fly-over. They can be found on the project's YouTube channel. What do you think of the teaser? Who would you cast in a Hollywood version of Left 4 Dead The Movie? Tell us in the comments.