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Updated GTA 5 Trailer News: These YouTube comments for the new Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer will make you laugh, and they were conveniently captured by one tumblr page.
“GTA4 sold well cuz people didn’t get the word that it sucked in time,” reads of the the captured comments laid out against an otherwise peaceful sunset photo.
Other nitpickers were on point about the graphics in the GTA 5 trailer, but still used horribly constructed sentences.
“No shadow on the glass when he drinking.” Maybe the apostrophe wasn’t working when the user typed that sentence out and just didn’t bother to include the s as a result.
“Why this game has no kids,” read another perspective GTA 5 trailer commenter who was captured by the tumblr account. “Looks like not reality.”
By far, the best GTA 5 comment is, “COD of Duty is better” began the user, forgetting that the oD in CoD stands for “of Duty” already. He or she finished off, opining “If this copies CoD its suck.”
There are a total of 100 of these captured tweets written on top of sunset photos, and, quite sadly, the tumblr author insists,“Yes, they're real.” Enjoy this GTA 5 sideshow (as if it’s a fun side mission).
Some of the captured comments may be considered NSFW, but it’s still worth reading when you can. If anything, they’ll make you feel better about your occasional grammatical errors.