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 Written by Matt Swider  on June 03, 2013

E3 2013 News: Predictions include Xbox One games like Halo 5, Killer Instinct, Mirrors Edge 2 and an end to the rumors about always-on and used games.

Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference predictions

The Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference is next week, Monday, June 10 at 9:30 a.m., and the Xbox One company is promising to show off games at the event.

The full list of Xbox One launch games hasn't been revealed because the Microsoft decided to demo the new console's features at the initial unveiling on May 21. Gamers who were disappointed with the purely entertainment and technology themed announcement that day should be pleased with the Xbox One trailers expected at E3 2013 on Monday.

Here are the top 5 predictions for Microsoft's hour-and-a-half long E3 2013 press conference:

Halo 5 Xbox One announcement at E3 2013

1. Halo 5 on Xbox One

Microsoft could announce Halo 5 for Xbox One, even though new franchise developer 343 Industries just released Halo 4 on Xbox 360 in November. If everyone saw that a follow-up to last fall's commercially successful Halo sequel is in the works, it would certainly help Xbox One pre-orders.

Halo 5 is unlikely to be a launch game, as much as Microsoft and Master Chief fans would really like that to be the case, given the fact that the Xbox One release date is scheduled to happen in 2013. It's been six months since Halo 4 came out.

Still, showing off a Halo 5 teaser trailing within the last minutes of Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference would be the ultimate way to end the marathon of Xbox One gameplay trailers on Monday.

Mirror's Edge 2 on Xbox One

2. Mirror's Edge 2 on Xbox One

Mirror's Edge 2 for Xbox One may have been leaked by Amazon Germany. The retail website listed the Mirror's Edge sequel for Microsoft's new console, sparking rumors that the EA-published game is will make full use of Kinect.

The running-focused first-person action game was only listed for Xbox One, but Mirror's Edge 2 could also come to PS4 given the fact that the PlayStation 4 Eye is expected to have a lot of the same controller-free capabilities. EA could also just stick with using the gamepad for controlling the character, Faith. Either way, fans of this sleeper hit from 2008 would jump between buildings in real life just to have the company announce ME2 at E3 2013.

Ryse with Xbox One Kinect controls

3. Ryse gameplay trailer with Kinect 2.0

Ryse will be at the forefront of Kinect demos at E3 2013. This Xbox One first-person shooter was confirmed to be an Xbox One exclusive at Microsoft's console reveal event last month, but we haven't seen much from the game ever since it was announced on 2010.

That will all change when a Ryse gameplay demo sets the tone for more mature Kinect 2.0 games at E3 2013. The 1080p camera is set to aid with "controller-enhanced gameplay." What is still unclear is how much of the new Kinect will be used vs the Xbox One controller.

That answer should come at Microsoft's press conference on Monday, along with the confirmation as to whether or not Ryse will be an Xbox One launch title.

CoD Ghosts demo

4. CoD: Ghosts demo at E3 2013

A new Call of Duty: Ghosts demo is our next E3 2013 prediction, and it's almost a given that it will happen at Microsoft's press conference on Monday. With the CoD: Ghosts release date happening on Nov. 5, this is Activision's routine time to premier the game's new features on stage, and the existence of Xbox One makes it all the more exciting.

Xbox gamers, at least in years past, received CoD: Ghosts DLC about a month before PS4 and PC gamers got their hands on the new maps, modes and weapons. The timed-exclusive deal between Activision and Microsoft made Xbox 360 the go-to platform for previous CoD games, and Xbox One will continue that trend.

Xbox One used games policy

5. Used games clarification

All of these games sound great, but what happens when you're done with a game and want to go sell it? Microsoft has been all over the place with its message on used game sales for Xbox One, and it's unclear if a friend will be charged a fee for borrowing a copy of a game.

Lending games may be a thing of the past because Microsoft (and all video game companies out there) don't get a piece of the second-hand market. That lucrative business is pocketed by the likes of GameStop. Microsoft has promised to clarify the murky details on its used game policy, and there's no better time to do that than Monday, June 10.

Xbox One always-on mode

6. Always-on Xbox One clarification

Another point of contention among people watching the Xbox One live stream announcement was that Xbox One will be always ready to game, broadcast Live TV, stream movies, play music, etc. The always-on system has worried a few people - especially those looking to house their console in the bedroom. Awkward.

The always-on details need to be spelled out by Microsoft and it likely to do just that at E3. Likewise, the company also needs to reassure gamers that the Xbox One is an always-online console, but doesn't require a constant Internet connection. Requiring a connection for installs or the need to check in periodically to make sure games are genuine would be less of a problem for a lot of gamers out there (but not all).

Anything is better than not knowing and letting the rumors - negative rumors - continue to circulate.

Microsoft Points

7. No more Microsoft Points

Microsoft Points are all but confirmed to be done away with when Xbox One launched this fall. The dashboard update that is scheduled to give the new console and Xbox 360 an updated look after a summer beta should bring about the end of the annoying need to convert 800 MS Points to $10.00. As if anyone really thought that was cheaper. The only one fooled was Microsoft.

Kinect Adventures 2

8. Kinect Adventures 2

Kinect Adventures 2 would make for a fun, family-friendly demonstration of what the Xbox One Kinect has to offer. The new camera's ability to track six skeletons at once and pick up a user's heartbeat could make for some active multiplayer gameplay.

Hopefully a standalone Kinect Adventures 2 would also improve upon its pack-in predecessor, which included a limited number of mini-games. Only a few of them were fun.

Here's another prediction for Kinect Adventures 2: There's going to be a finely casted modern American family using Kinect 2.0 in a stage demo at the Microsoft press conference. Isn't that going to be fun, kids?

Dance Central 4 for Xbox One

9. Dance Central 4 or a Kinect 2.0 game by Harmonix

Kinect 2.0 has to have music game developer Harmonix and, maybe, launching Dance Central 4 for Xbox One. Although it'd be great to see the (original) Guitar Hero and Rock Band studio make a new music-themed IP, we can't help but wonder about the new possibilities for the Dance Central franchise given the new Kinect and its HD camera its ability to process 2GB of data per second. That's a whole lot of dance moves.

Killer Instinct Xbox One news at the Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference

10. Rare will announce Killer Instinct for Xbox One

Killer Instinct for Xbox One may be the last and - if you're a fan of 90s arcade fighting games - the greatest announcement at the Microsoft press conference. The company has promised that a "historic" Rare-developed game is going to be announced at E3.

Killer Instinct has long been rumored for Xbox 360, but Killer Instinct Gold, the 1996 N64 launch window game, was the last time a new KI game came out on a video game console. There's been a dearth of fresh blood in the fighting video game genre, and an Killer Instinct 3 announcement at Microsoft's conference would help Xbox One corner the genre.

With 7 days left until the Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference, how correct do you think these predictions are? Do you have Xbox One predictions of your own?

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