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The second part of the April Xbox One Update is now available to download for preview members. Preview members were able to download the first part a week or so ago and now will have the ability to test out the following features:
Voice Messages - Quickly and easily record audio to send to your friends or others through your snapped messages app accessed through a simple quick double tap of the Xbox button. Additionally, voice messages can be exchanged between Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles.
What’s On - The Xbox engineering team is continuing to experiment with the What’s On area, which highlights popular videos, movies, TV shows and game broadcasts. Microsoft is continuing to test different experiences for preview members in the U.S. and this month, the preview of this feature is being expanded to Canada and the UK as well.
Dedicated Servers for Party Chat - Parties where players are unable to form direct peer-to-peer connections for party chat will automatically leverage dedicated server infrastructure to relay traffic. This service is only enabled for parties where one or more members are previewing the April system update. There is no timetable for when this feature goes live for everyone.
Take a look at the video Microsoft released explaining these new features and tell us what you think. What would you like to see added for the month of May?