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Some new details have just been revealed about the first Destiny 2 expansion in the form of a new trailer. Destiny 2 – Expansion 1: Curse of Osiris, takes place after the conclusion of the Destiny 2 campaign where you are dispatched to Mercury on a quest to find Osiris, the most powerful Warlock to have ever lived, to discover the answers humanity needs to fight back against the Vex.
Curse of Osiris adds a new chapter to the world of Destiny 2, expanding the universe by adding an all-new cinematic story with new and returning characters, a new destination to explore, Mercury and its Infinite Forest, a new social space to visit called the Lighthouse, new missions, new strikes, new raid content, new free roam activities, a world quest to complete, and more.
Destiny 2 - Expansion 1: Curse of Osiris is slated to be released on December 5, 2017. Do you plan on picking it up? Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think.