News: You can save a good amount of money right now by buying Xbox games digitally.

Black Friday is nearly here and you don’t want to miss out on some amazing sales. Microsoft has over 500 items on sale ranging from games to downloadable content. If there is a title that you have been waiting to see a price drop for you will probably see it at a reduced price this weekend. The discounts below are for Xbox Live Gold members. Some of the titles on sale for Black Friday include:
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - 60% off
Anthem - 80% off
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered - 50% off
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - 60% off
Assassin’s Creed Origins - 70% off
Batman: Arkham Collection - 67% off
Battlefield 4 Premium - 75% off
Battlefield V - 50% off
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - 75% off
Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons - 80% off
Burnout Paradise Remastered - 75% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 60% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Operator Edition - 20% off
Castlevania Anniversary Collection - 50% off
Contra Anniversary Collection - 50% off
Dark Souls II - 75% off
Dark Souls III - 75% off
Darksiders III: Blades & Whip Edition - 60% off
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - 40% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition - 85% off
Dirt 4 - 80% off
Fallout 4 - 60% off
Far Cry 5 - 75% off
Far Cry New Dawn - 60% off
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition - 50% off
Forza Motorsport 7 - 50% off
Gears 5 - 50% off
Just Cause 3 - 75% off
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition - 65% off
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite - 75% off
Monster Energy Supercross 2 Special Edition - 70% off
Moonlighter - 60% off
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 - 75% off
Overcooked - 70% off
Prey - 75% off
Project Cars 2 - 85% off
Quantum Break - 75% off
Rage 2 - 67% off
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 50% off
Resident Evil 2 - 67% off
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - 85% off
Scribblenauts Mega Pack - 67% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - 60% off
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - 50% off
Shenmue I & II - 50% off
South Park: The Fractured But Whole - 70% off
South Park: The Stick of Truth - 60% off
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - 50% off
Sublevel Zero Redux - 75% off
Sunset Overdrive - 60% off
Tekken 7 - 70% off
The Crew 2 - 75% off
The Disney Afternoon Collection - 75% off
These are just some of the games that are available as part of Microsoft’s Black Friday sale. To see the full list, click here. Which deals will you be getting? Tell us what you think below.