News: Microsoft has just unveiled a new pilot program that will allow some Xbox One owners to get an Xbox Series X.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S were released in November 2020. Due to global chip shortages thanks to COVID-19 they are still hard to find over six months later. That might be changing though as Microsoft has unveiled a new program to help some Xbox customers upgrade from their Xbox One to the Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S. Earlier today Microsoft revealed that they are launching a pilot program titled, Console Purchase Pilot. This pilot program will allow Xbox Insiders located in the United States to reserve a “next gen” console.
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For those who aren’t aware of the Xbox Insiders program, it is a program where Xbox gamers volunteer to help Microsoft test out new ideas. For example, this month there will be a patch available that gives you more access on your “Quick Resume” games. If you are in the Xbox Insiders program, you might have been using and testing this new feature for a couple months now, but it is almost ready for everyone to have it. Getting into the Xbox Insiders program is typically easy to do. You simply download the Xbox Insiders Hub off of the Xbox store and then enroll your machine. Your admittance into the program is not instantaneous. It might take a few hours to go through or even a few days.
So with all of this being said, how do you get your chance to reserve either an Xbox Series X or an Xbox Series S? Well, you need to go into the aforementioned Xbox Insiders Hub app on your Xbox. Assuming you are already part of the program, you then need to do the following:
Open the Xbox Insider App
Go to Previews section
Scroll down to Xbox Series X|S Console Purchase
Read all of the info on the screen
Click “Join”
Agree to the Terms and Conditions by selecting “Accept”
There are a number of things you need to keep in mind. For starters, if you already own an Xbox Series X or an Xbox Series S you won’t be able to participate in this program. If you have ever signed on to Xbox Live with one of these new consoles, Microsoft knows you have one. You can try and join this program if you want but there is no guarantee you will be selected.
Additionally, you do need to do all of this on your Xbox One console. If you have an Xbox Series X|S console and open up the Insiders App you will not see the option for this program in the previews section. It only shows up if you are on an Xbox One.
What do you think about this pilot program? Are you going to try and join it and, hopefully, get an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S? Tell us what you think in the comments below.