Review: Sarah Michelle Gellar is hot, this game is not. (see get it, cause it rhymes, and, and...)
Every once in a while a game comes around that revolutionizes a genre. A game so amazing that people will be talking about for years to come; however, sometimes there are games like Buffy. Games so terrible that you would have more fun scraping the corns off your old Aunt Meredith's feet.
The graphics in this game are top notchЕif you compare them to and old Atari game. The graphics aren't terrible, but you would think they could make them a little better in a GBC only game. The backgrounds at first are quite good, but tend to become very repetitive. The characters in this game are also not too bad, but they occasionally blur and make it hard to keep track of what you're doing, which is probably a good thing. While the graphics in this game are average, the cutscenes are downright horrendous. Last time I checked Sarah Michelle Geller was hotЕ. I really hope the artist's rendition of her is a joke.
Well now that you know about the graphics just stop reading this review now. It just goes downhill form here. This is one of the games that makes you want to turn off the sound and play one of your parent's favorite Yanni CDs. The entire soundtrack in this game is about a 30-second clip of music played over and over and over andЕwell you get the point. I think they have included one sound effect for the entire game. KickЕ.BAM!! PunchЕ.BAM!! JumpЕ.BAM!! It doesn't matter if you hit a vampire or not the same effect is still there. The only good thing is that the game gives you an option to turn them off.
Now we finally move onto the last and worst part of this game: The actual gameplay. This game can't seem to make up its mind if it's an adventure game or a fighter. You walk a little then a vampire appears out of the shadows. A one on one fight ensues, which consist of punch, punch, trip, stab; no more vampire. Walk some more and meet another vampire, use the same strategy and move on. It continues this way throughout the entire 45 minutes it would take your 2-year-old sister to beat this game.
If you are looking for one of the most repetitive, boring game experiences of your life look no further than this game. If you are looking for a great adventure game, go looking somewhere else. This game could have been good ifЕwhat am I saying? This game couldn't have ever been any good. Take your 30 dollars and spend it on an electric nose-hair trimmer rather than sorry excuse for a game.