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I Have Stopped Looking For Now

Game Profile
Game Boy
GENRE: Adventure
March 07, 2001
 Written by Kevin Stapf  on May 24, 2001

Review: Action man is so packed with action that your action button may let out because of too much action from the main action man, Action Man.

For those of you that don't know Action Man is a game based on the show by the same name. The show is an Уaction packedФ computer animated show on Saturday mornings. The only difference is that the main character on the show actually has a name. In this game you are known as none other than the famously generic Action Man and you must fend off the evil workings of another generic super villan name Dr. X. Your goal is to find and infiltrate Dr. X's uniquely named base, Base X.

The graphics in this game are slightly above average and are a throwback to the old traditional NES games. The backgrounds don't add too much to the game but do help to settle you into the look and feel of each tiresomely long level. While Action Man himself isn't very detailed each of the many various enemies he encounters are detailed much better than expected. Everything in the game world is full of color and makes everything standout and although not all the sprites are very detailed they have great animation that fits with everything they do. The music and sound effects are very solid and providing some very fitting tunes, along with a few realistic effects, although this game does suffer a few standard УboingsФ and Уthumps.Ф

The controls in this game are a mixed bag. At some points in the game you think that it has very tight controls, but then at others times the controls seem to be horrible. When jumping across short distances you are able to do it easily, but throw a little more УactionФ into that sequence and the controls seem to give out, causing you to fall to a very perilous death. You are also able to aim in many different directions, but at some points your aim always seems to be a little off.

Action Man is your standard old school platform game where you go around shooting things until you finally reach the end. The game also boasts some cool ideas such as the various clothing. You must wear different outfits that fit the area you are in otherwise you may not be able to accomplish your goal. While the action isn't necessarily boring it is very hard, even on the easy setting you will find yourself dying more often than Kenny. This excessive difficulty and terribly long levels may frustrate you to your breaking point, so you must be careful for your Game Boy is slightly more valuable than your standard console controller.

Bottom Line
For a game with a title like Action Man you would think that it would provide a lot more action than it actually does, but it is still a pretty solid game. It brings a few new features to the standard platformers on the GB, yet its few flaws and frustrating gameplay don't warrant this as a must buy. All in all this is a pretty solid game that rightfully deserves at least a rental.

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