News: The Most Wanted racer is Need For Speed: Most Wanted

An open secret in the industry for months, EA officially announced Need For Speed: Most Wanted today. And they did it in a big way. Most Wanted will be coming to all six current platforms (PS2, Xbox, GC, PSP, GBA and DS) and an unspecified "next generation console" (cough Xbox Next cough).
Sounding very much like a cross between the two most popular Need For Speed brands, Hot Pursuit and Underground, Most Wanted will include illegal street racing, a dynamic open world and high speed police chases. EA executives seemed to see as much:
"Out-race your opponents, evade cops and exploit the open world in Need for Speed Most Wanted; street racing doesn't get any better than this," said Larry LaPierre, senior producer, EA Canada. "Players instantly will feel the thrill of the ride as they hit the streets in an open world environment where drivers can tune their cars to compete against any class of vehicles or use their wits to out-fox the law to satisfy their need for speed."
Climbing the Black List will be the name of the game in Most Wanted. Performing illegal activities and outracing your opponents and up to six police cars are the keys to being the "Most Wanted" driver according to EA. Your getaway car for these illegal activities? "Tuners, supercars, muscles and sports cars", again, according to EA.
Developed by EA Canada, this new racer is currently scheduled to peel out of the garage in November on all platforms (remember, cough Xbox Next cough). We'll have more soon and at E3 I'm sure.