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Game Profile
Kuju Entertainment
June 19, 2007
 Written by John Scalzo  on August 16, 2006

News: The dungeonmaster supplied these facts on D&D.

Atari has released some new detail concerning their tactical game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

Platform: PSP
Release Date: November 2006
Developer: Kuju Entertainment
Publisher: Atari, Inc.
Category: Roleplaying/Tactics
ESRB Rating: RP (T Expected)

Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics brings the excitement of the D&D universe, created by Wizards of the Coast, to the PSP system for the first time! Faithfully utilizing the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 rule-set, Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics allows players to take a party of six adventurers into a wide variety of dangerous environments to experience deep and exciting turn-based action.

All of the core races and classes will be available to the player, including two Psionic classes, the Psion and the Psychic Warrior. Players will be able to customize their characters and store as many as their memory stick can handle.

Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics offers an original storyline, filled with intrigue, set in a newly created D&D world. Alignment is critical, as it affects the end of the story and allows players to change from good to evil, or the other way around, depending on which quests they choose.

Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics will take full advantage of the PSP system's wireless capability allowing gamers to play cooperatively through the single-player campaign with their friends, or take them on in a variety of adversarial game modes. Play will be extended through the use of downloadable content. With all of this and much more, Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics is the ultimate handheld game for D&D fans!

  • Deep and exciting turn-based gameplay that uses the D&D 3.5 rule-set;
  • All core races and classes are available, plus the addition of Psionics;
  • Highly customizable characters can be created and traded between players via wireless;
  • Involving story takes the player to a wide variety of authentic D&D environments;
  • Battle many different types of monsters from the D&D universe;
  • Play with your friends wirelessly in both cooperative and adversarial game modes;
  • Extend the gameplay experience with downloadable content.

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