Special: While not working on the Zune or wearing wigs, J Allard can be found racing his car in Forza Motorsport 2.
Stay tuned to Gaming Target for the review of Forza Motorsport 2 in the near future.
While Gaming Target's review of Forza Motorsport 2 will be up soon, we thought it would be a good chance to show how creative and silly you can get with the in-game car editor.
The amazing thing about the in-game editor utilized in Forza Motorsport 2 is the true scale and complexity of the images it can create, as has been evidenced by many of the cars displayed on
ForzaMotorsport.net or within the game's Уauction house.Ф People are truly letting loose with some creative designs based on videogame characters, pop culture icons, anime comics and everything in between.
What's really great is that the previous layer count from the original Forza has gone from 600 (meaning 600 individual decals, designs, etc) up to 4,000. This upgrade has really enabled some inspired designs, and you only need to look as far as some of the anime pictures or likenesses of Marcus Fenix or Solid Snake to see what can be done.
The toolset is certainly not perfect, but it gets the job done. Users are able to highlight multiple layers for quicker cutting and pasting, and there's plenty of room to slightly tweak objects by spinning, skewing, or resizing them. The pre-loaded shapes, designs, numbers, letters and colors are quite a bit when you think about it, as stretching and manipulating objects can really get you a desired effect (especially if you've got the time). Editable areas include the hood, trunk, top, sides, wing, and front/rear bumpers of the vehicle. You can change the car colors on several unique sections, as well.
After you've created your car, you can then save the design for future use and put it up on the auction house to make some in-game credits. The great thing is that you can sell a complete version of your car if you want, giving the buyer full access to how you built it, but you can also lock the design, only allowing them to have that single copy of your car Ц it's your hard work, after all. But enough talk, get with the designing and make some crazy stuff.
For our part, we here at GT decided to make a likeness of reclusive MS-hipster УJФ Allard. Behold, the Allard Audi!
Stay tuned to Gaming Target for the review of Forza Motorsport 2 in the near future.