News: You don't even need the Dreamcast fishing rod controller for this deSEAving scammpy.

There's rarely a reason to post news in our Dreamcast section, as Sega's ill-fated system is now almost a decade old. But, when updated over the weekend with a mysterious message that asked, УDo you still own a Dreamcast?Ф many web sites found a reason to talk about the 128-bit system again and to fondly reminisce about its 9.9.99 launch date.
Sadly, the makeover wasn't the work of Sega (which doesn't own the domain name anymore) and, worse yet, only serves to collect information from gamers. The УDo you still own a DreamcastФ message links to a registration page in which you fill out your Dreamcast console's serial number, your e-mail address (twice), and a password (twice). There's also a confirmation code graphic to protect the alleged scammers from being spammed and scammed themselves. After all, that's their job.
Although you do receive an e-mail address of yourserialnumber @, these supposed phishing culprits could be either 1) looking to SPAM the valid e-mail address that people entered or 2) hoping that the password that people use to register is also the one they use with the valid e-mail address. Never a good idea.
Since the deceptive minds behind the revamp used Sega's logo without permission, as they wouldn't have gotten consent if they even tried, the site will likely fail faster than the system it's named after once PS2 released.
Gaming Target will fill you in on the identities of the scammers if their names (and hopefully addresses) are published.
source: Joystiq