News: Bionic Commando Rearmed on the cheap.
Ten bucks for the high-def remake of Bionic Commando, I'll gladly pay that. Considering the Virtual Console charges nearly as much for an unpolished version, this is a steal. However, this price only constitutes the PSN/XBLA versions and not the PC version. As of now, we have no info on the PC price, as the team is currently mulling over the idea to add in additional content that could five and cost PC owners more.
According to Bionic Commando Rearmed producer, Ben Judd, the 10 price just seems to be a "sweet spot" and that there was more to the numbers than we know:
while the results may suggest that $10 is the sweet spot for most people (in the US the final tally was 83% in favor of the $10 price point and 17% in favor of the $15 price point), there is another side of the story which wasn't represented by the poll results Ц and that is the huge number of user comments that we received, where a majority were suggesting they would pay $15 or even $20 for the game.
I'm hoping those of you who answered 20 dollars were just trying to prove a point, if not, you guys are mean to my wallet.
For info on
Bionic Commando Rearmed including the mysterious PC price, hang around Gaming Target.
source: Bionic Commando Blog