News: Square-Enix's big RPG series is coming to the Xbox 360. Holy ****!
Whoa. Microsoft and Square-Enix have just announced that Final Fantasy XIII is coming to the Xbox 360. No release date was given, but it will be released simultaneously with the PlayStation 3 version.
Here's what Microsoft had to say:
Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix). УFinal Fantasy XIIIФ is the eagerly anticipated title from Square Enix that takes full advantage of the superior power and technology in Xbox 360, providing tangible, intuitive controls while delivering seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and stunning in-game cinematics. Using the latest in cutting-edge technology, this latest addition to the УFinal FantasyФ series is worthy of the title Уnext generation.Ф
Those with long memories will remember I predicted this to happen at E3 07. Better late than never.
Sony must be feeling the pressure right now.