News: Capcom's not fooling around with this one week exclusivity business.
A week ago, Capcom announced that a demo for Resident Evil 5 would be released exclusively on the Xbox Live Marketplace for one week. However, they were a bit coy on if that one week meant that PlayStation 3 owners would get a crack at the demo beginning on February 2 or not. Today, the company confirmed that the demo will be added to the PlayStation Network on 2/2.
The demo will be the same one that Xbox 360 owners will get, a two level affair that will introduce players to the first two levels of the game, Assembly Place and Shanty Town, and a variety of infected enemies including "an army of weapon-wielding infected Majini, the gigantic hooded Majini Executioner and even the dreaded Chainsaw Majini."
The demo will include plenty of options as the game's co-op mode will be on full display in three different flavors: single player with AI support, two player splitscreen on a single PS3 and two player online play over the PSN. Resident Evil 5's new control scheme will also get a workout in the demo as players will be given a choice to use the "Classic" control scheme found in
Resident Evil 4 or the new "Action" scheme that Capcom says was inspired by
Gears of War 2.
We'll have more soon.