News: RE5 has a TBA release date while the other two will arrive in July.
Capcom has done the inevitable and officially announced that Resident Evil 5 is in development for the PC. The game will be identical to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version released earlier this year, but it will also include support for Nvidia's new GeForce 3D Vision sterescopic display technology. Naturally, the 3D Vision glasses will be sold separately. The PC version of Resident Evil 5 currently has no official release date.
Capcom has also revealed a little more information about the PC releases of Bionic Commando and Street Fighter IV. In addition to online play, Bionic Commando will support higher resolutions than the console version, remappable controls including mouse and keyboard support and support for both DirectX 9 and DirectX 10.
The PC version of Street Fighter IV will also offer higher resolutions than the console version and online play along with three graphical filters that will completely change the look of the game: "watercolor", "posterization" and "sumi-e ink". The filters will be based on the art styles in the concept trailers released for the game in 2008.
Bionic Commando and Street Fighter IV will be released on the PC in July.