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Which Game Looked The Best At the Xbox Developer Direct?

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
South of Midnight
Ninja Gaiden 4
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
Doom: The Dark Ages

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Nintendo Software Technology
GENRE: Puzzle
June 08, 2009
Super Mario Maker

Super Mario Bros. 3DS

Super Mario All-Stars

Super Mario Galaxy 2

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 Written by GT Staff  on June 02, 2009

Live Coverage: Our liveblog of Nintendo's big E3 presser.

--> Nintendo's big E3 2009 Press Conference is scheduled for Tuesday at noon (Eastern Time) and will take place on the first day of the E3 expo.

The conference will be starting shortly, so be sure to keep this page open as Gaming Target editor Matt Swider twitters live from the show and John Scalzo follows along at home.

What will Nintendo have on hand to show us this year? The smart money is on a new Super Mario game, possibly a new Legend of Zelda game, Wii Fit Plus and maybe, if we're lucky, Kid Icarus.

Ready? Here... we... go...

11:06 John: The E3 09 Nintendo Press Conference is less than an hour away
11:07 John: Matt Swider will be along shortly to provide a live running commentary from the event.
12:07 mattswider: Cammie Dunaway just took the stage at the #Nintendo press conference. Once again no WiFi. So it's Twitter + iPhone uggh

12:11 mattswider: #nintendo announces New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2D party game for Wii

12:12 John: Whoa! Nintendo is wasting no time. 2D Mario with the Wii Remote held like an NES controller. *swoon*

12:13 mattswider: New Super Mario includes 4 player co-op, side scrolling, propeller suit with the shake of the Wii remote; Holiday 2009 #Nintendo

12:15 John: Now Nintendo is bragging that the Wii Fit and Balance Board install base trumps other platforms. Ouch.
12:15 John: And now they've gone and announced Wii Fit Plus
12:16 John: With 6 new activities
12:17 mattswider: #nintendo announced Wii Fit Plus. Keeps track, better targeted workouts and 15 new games.

12:17 John: One of them looks like the Gauntlet from American Gladiators
12:18 mattswider: #nintendo is coming out with Wii Fit Plus this fall. So does this mean we shouldn't buy the original between now and then?

12:19 John: Well it will be released standalone without the Balance Board

12:19 John: Reggie's talking about Wii MotionPlus
12:23 John: After a Wii MotionPlus commercial, we're on to Wii Sports Resort
12:25 John: Now they're on to some skydiving game. Pilotwings Wii?
12:25 John: No wait, skydiving is part of Wii Sports Resort.
12:25 mattswider: #Nintendo shows more WiiSports Resort. Skydiving!!!

12:27 John: Resort will have archery. Sounds complex.

12:28 mattswider: #Nintendo Wii Sports Resort (comes with Wii Motion Plus attatchment for enhanced precision) includes archery too

12:28 John: Reggie is trash talking the other hosts
12:28 John: Over basketball

12:30 mattswider: #Nintendo shows Wii Sports Resort Basketball game:

12:33 John: Next up is more MotionPlus games like Tiger Woods, Virtua Tennis, Red Steel 2 and Grand Slam Tennis

12:33 John: New Square-Enix RPG, exclusive to the Wii announced
12:35 John: Guess it was just Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers
12:35 mattswider: Tiger Woods also comes w/ Wii Motion Plus. EA's Grand Slam Tennis uses it, Red Steel 2 will require it. #Nintendo

12:35 John: But I guess it could be considered new since we haven't seen it in a while
12:35 John: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 for the DS
12:36 John: And now onto Mario and Luigi 3, titled Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
12:38 John: Mario and Luigi 3 this Fall, which I think we knew
12:38 mattswider: Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside Story anounced for #Nintendo DS for this Fall

12:38 John: Golden Sun DS announced. Coming in 2010
12:39 mattswider: Golden Sun DS from #Nintendo For Ds after 6 year absensw

12:40 John: Women's Murder Club coming to DS. James Patterson said he wanted it on DS, and it's coming October 13.
12:41 mattswider: James Patterson Women's Murder Club game for DS

12:41 John: Ubisoft announces C.O.P. The Recruit for DS
12:44 mattswider: #Nintendo is really trying to appeal to female casual gamers. Just announced Style Savvy for DS.

12:50 mattswider: DSi includes uploading photos use edit to Facebook yawn

12:55 mattswider: Nintendo President Iwata takes the stage

12:55 mattswider: Nintendo President Iwata takes the stage

12:58 John: Yawn to Facebook on DSi, but woo for Facebook on Xbox, oh Matt...
12:58 John: Mario Vs Donkey Kong Minis March and WarioWare DIY for DSi
1:00 John: Wii Vitality Sensor revealed. It's a biometric thing like the Japanese-only heart monitor for Tetris 64
1:00 John: I was so sad I never got to play Tetris 64.

1:02 John: Oh boy, Super Mario Galaxy 2
1:03 mattswider: #Nintendo announces Wii Vitality Sensor! Another remote attatchment. Presented as health advancement for stress

1:04 John: Reggie is talking about bloggers
1:05 John: Could it be...
1:05 John: Please...
1:06 mattswider: #Nintendo announces Super Mario Galaxy 2. A 2nd Mario game in the works for Wii (including 4player New Super Mario)

1:08 John: Probably not. Just Resident Evil: Darkside Chronciles and Dead Space Extraction

1:10 mattswider: #Nintendo moves showcases mature games from 3rd parties (The Conduit, Res Evil, Dead Space) but ..... #e3

1:10 John: Hmm, but Team Ninja is working with Nintendo
1:11 John: The Itagaki-less Team Ninja now. With something called Project M

1:11 John: And the M stands for METROID

1:12 John: 2010 release date
1:12 mattswider: #Nintendo finally announces an edgier game of it's own: Metroid: Other M for 2010.

1:13 John: That appears to be it.

1:19 mattswider: Notice bottom left #e3 photo depicting everyone plays Nintendo DS, shouldn't a security guard be prenting CRIME?!

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