News: The game's producer sheds a little more light on the latest game in the vampire hunting series.

1UP recently sat down for an interview with Dave Cox, the producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. The interview has revealed a few interesting new details about the game, including what role the Belmonts will play in the game.
But first, Cox reiterated that Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was always conceived as part of the Castlevania series, even though it was just announced as "Lords of Shadow" at last year's Leipzig Games Convention.
But it could be easy to see how gamers could get confused as Lords of Shadow will attempt to bring Castlevania back to its roots of a vampire-hunting action game. Cox specifically listed
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest and
Super Castlevania IV as his inspirations for the design and development of Lords of Shadow.
A change in composers will also mark another break from the more recent entries in the series. Michiru Yamane has created the music for the last ten Castlevania games, but according to Cox, "a famous Spanish film composer is handling the duties and that several of the old Castlevania themes will be used throughout."
Finally, about those Belmonts. Cox revealed that the full name of the main character is Gabriel
Belmont. So one mystery solved, but now the question is, how is he related to Simon?
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will be released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2010. We'll have more soon.