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Game Profile
High Voltage Software
GENRE: First Person Shooter
PLAYERS:   1-4
Q4 2010
The Conduit

 Written by John Scalzo  on March 30, 2010

News: High Voltage has a lot on their plate.

The May issue of Nintendo Power has revealed that High Voltage Software is working on Conduit 2, which will be released this Fall for the Wii. Once again, Sega will be publishing the game, even after swearing off "hardcore" content on the Wii.

High Voltage plans to ratchet up everything that was good about the original game while adding plenty of new stuff as well. This includes a bigger focus on the science fiction aspects of the story and a four-player splitscreen mode. There will also be plenty of new weapons (including some Perfect Dark-inspired hardware like a gun that shoot through walls and a handheld deployable turret gun) and new locales (such as Siberia and Atlantis). Also new will be a customization mode that will allow players to change the way main character Michael Ford looks. As for returning features, online play and the popular Bounty Hunter mode will make a reappearance in Conduit 2.

"[High Voltage's] first order of business: expanding the game's scope, "In the first Conduit, I think the core experience is very sold," says producer Josh Olson.

GoNintendo has an excerpt from the article while Nintendo Everything has a pretty good rundown of the entire eight-page feature.

We'll have more soon.

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