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Microsoft debuted the trailer for the company's Kinect collaboration with LucasArts, Star Wars Kinect, during their E3 Media Briefing today. Closely resembling an on-rails shooter, Star Wars Kinect (hopefully a working title) will be released exclusively on the Xbox 360 in 2011.
Star Wars Kinect has a bit of an "out of time" feel to it as Clone Wars era battle droids fight alongside Empire era Stormtroopers and a post-Revenge of the Sith Darth Vader. The look of the game's Jedi hero is also heavily based on Obi-Wan Kenobi's appearance in the prequel trilogy. Whether all of these disparate elements have a story-based reason for existing together remains to be seen. It's equally likely that LucasArts just thought they'd look cool together in a trailer.
And speaking of trailers, here it is:
I'm not ashamed to admit I'll be wielding my plastic lightsaber to get a more authentic Star Wars experience when I play Star Wars Kinect next year.