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Game Profile
Game Boy
Codo Technologies
GENRE: Strategy
September 06, 2005
 Written by John Scalzo  on March 31, 2005

News: The makers of XCom come up with a strategy RPG for the GBA.

Namco yesterday announced Rebelstar Tactical Command, a futuristic strategy RPG set in the year 2117 from the makers of PC classic XCom.

RTC places players in the shoes of the Earth Resistence (don't they always?), who are fighting for their freedom against the Arelian Empire. Players will be able to take the fight to rhe Arelian in four different modes: Campaign, Skirmish, Hot-seat Multiplayer and Multiplayer Link. Little else was revealed about the game other than that players can use "stealth skills and a variety of weapons" and use "destructible environments to their advantage".

"Rebelstar Tactical Command delivers a strategic and addictive gaming experience on the Game Boy Advance," said Jeff Lujan, Business Director, Namco Hometek Inc. "Role playing elements and a new twist on turn-based strategy bring depth and high replay value to Rebelstar Tactical Command."

Rebelstar Tactical Command is scheduled to ship in August.

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