News: Midway reveals first screens of MK: Armageddon and MK: Unchained.

Midway has released the first screens of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and they appear to give a first look at the budding Create-A-Fighter mode.
Characters will be fully customizable down to their clothing choices and each button on the controller will be able to be mapped to a specified attack. From other screens we see that facial features and body types will also be able to be micromanaged in any way the player sees fit. And I kid you not, "Breast Size" is shown as the final attribute.
Midway also released a few screens showing off the new Shaolin Monks-inspired Konquest Mode and a few screens of actual one-on-one fighting. Sadly, my boy Stryker is getting his ass handed to him.
So what are you waiting for, check out the first MK: Armageddon screens here.
We've also got the first five shots from Mortal Kombat: Unchained for the PSP, but they don't need any explanation.