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Game Profile
GENRE: Fighting
PLAYERS:   1-2
October 09, 2006

Mortal Kombat

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 Written by John Scalzo  on October 25, 2006

Special: How many people wanna kick some ass? I do! I do!

Interested in more Kreate-A-Fighters? Prepare to crush the competition with our followup article where we teach you how to create Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani.

With over sixty kombatants to choose from, the Mortal Kombat series has always been known for its variety. But with the release of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Ed Boon and company have added a new wrinkle to the character selection screen: Kreate A Fighter. While the KAF mode is missing several characters special moves and attacks, its still a pretty powerful little tool that can be used to make some great looking fighters. And after playing with the mode for a good bit of time now I think I've come up with a few kharacters that can hold their own with the likes of Scorpion and Raiden and Sub-Zero and all the rest. Except for Stryker. No one can beat Stryker.

Ashley J. "Ash" Williams is the world's greatest demon hunter and the star of Spider-Man director Sam Raimi's very popular Evil Dead trilogy. He is played by the king of the B-movie actors, Bruce Campbell.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Medium (Skin Color: 4, 13)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: None
Hair: Shag (Color: 1,1)
Helmet: None

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Oxford (Color: 11,8)
Cloth: None
Gloves: None

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Jeans (Color: 1,6)
Belt: Leather Slim (Color: 1,5)
Boots: Short Boots (Color: 1,1 Accent Color: 1,24)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: None
Chest: Bandoliers (Color: 3,30 Accent Color: 3,26)

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: None

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose Width: 15
Nose Length: 20
Mouth Width: 13
Lip Size: 13
Cheekbones: 12
Cheek Width: 7
Jaw Width: 20
Eyelids: 10
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style (Deadite Fu)
Preset: Defensive
Stance: Pao Chui

Weapon Style (Groovy)
Weapon Type: Swords
Weapon: Broadsword
Preset: None
Stance: Kori Blade

Special Moves

Voice: Small Male 1
Victory: Jeet Kune Do

The Rationale
Ash is quick and nimble and his Broadsword is a very formidable weapon.

Because of Ash's loud-mouthed bravado and cowardly demeanor, his fighting style is a is a defensive stance for that unsure-of-himself posture. And I know Ash doesn't wear bandoliers, but it gives him the strapped-on shotgun look he sported in Army of Darkness. Naturally, Ash's movie star chin is front and center with a maxed-out Jaw Width attribute. I didn't choose any specific special moves, as Ash doesn't really have any superpowers. Sadly, Jax's machine Gun attack is not available to choose as a special move and a chainsaw is not a selectable weapon. But he does have his Broadsword.

Hulk Hogan
The Hulkster defined wrestling for all of the children of the eighties and creating him in MKA is a relatively painless task.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Large (Skin Color: 6, 20)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: None
Hair: Old Long (Color: 6, 15)
Helmet: None (Optional: Bandana Color: 2, 6)

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Tank Top (Color: 6, 12)
Cloth: None
Gloves: Wristbands (Color: 1, 16)

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Trunks (Color: 6, 12)
Belt: Elder Gods
Boots: Boxing (Color: 6, 12 Accent Color: 1, 16)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: Facial Hair (Color: 6, 15)
Chest: None

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: Kneepads (Color: 2, 6 Accent Color: 2, 6)

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose Width: 10
Nose Length: 10
Mouth Width: 10
Lip Size: 10
Cheekbones: 10
Cheek Width: 10
Jaw Width: 10
Eyelids: 10
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style (Hulkamania)
Preset: Aggressive
Stance: Wrestling

Weapon Style
Weapon Type: Axes
Weapon: War Hammer
Preset: None
Stance: Crude Hammer

Special Moves
Projectile: Unassigned
Charge: Flying Kick
Disabling: Death From Above
Teleport: Boot Kamp
Throw: Trip Up

Voice: Large Male 1
Victory: Kick

The Rationale
Hulk is, of course, a close in brawler.

I tried to make as many of the special moves match up to wrestling moves as I could. The Flying Kick matches up pretty well to a dropkick. While the disabling Death From Above is like jumping off of the top rope. But my favorite is Hulk's throw move. The Trip Up perfectly matches his "Big Boot" and "Atomic Leg Drop" finisher.

Hulk Hogan is perfect. Now, if only I could find that damn Elder Gods belt in Konquest Mode to complete the look. The Hulkster without his WWF Championship belt is just wrong.

Jason Voorhees
The monster slasher with the highest body count of any horror movie icon ever. It's almost wrong for Jason not to be involved in something called Mortal Kombat.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Large (Skin Color: 1, 16)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: Possessed (Color: 2, 10)
Hair: None
Helmet: None

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Hoodie (Color: 11, 2)
Cloth: None
Gloves: Leather Short (Color: 1, 1)

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Baggy (Color: 11, 2)
Belt: Rope (Color: 5, 22)
Boots: Sneakers (Color: 1, 13 Accent Color: 1, 28)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: Hockey Mask (Color: 1, 15 Accent Color: 2, 6)
Chest: None

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: None

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose Width: 10
Nose Length: 10
Mouth Width: 10
Lip Size: 10
Cheekbones: 10
Cheek Width: 10
Jaw Width: 10
Eyelids: 0
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style
Preset: None
Stance: Val Tudo

Weapon Style (Slasher)
Weapon Type: Swords
Weapon: Machete
Preset: None
Stance: Machete

Special Moves
Projectile: Unassigned
Charge: Piston Punches
Disabling: Death From Above
Teleport: Teleport Grab
Throw: Face Eraser

Voice: Optional
Victory: Kick

The Rationale
Like Hulk Hogan, Jason is also a close-up brawler.

This Jason is a bit of a mishmash of all of the Jason's throughout the series. The tattered blue clothes come from the higher-numbered sequels while the rope belt comes from Part 2. Then there are the things that need no explanation, like his hockey mask and the Machete weapon style.

Jason's attacks are based solely around his brute strength including the Piston Punches and the Face Eraser throw. But then, like any good 80s spook, he's able to use the Teleport Grab to appear out of thin air and haul a teenage couple into the darkness for punishment for their premarital sex.

Silent Bob
Jay's hetero lifemate has been known to throw down when things get a little rough and even if the Jersey Trilogy is over (after six films mind you), Silent Bob will always have a home in Mortal Kombat.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Large (Skin Color: 4, 13)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: None
Hair: Ponytail (Color: 1, 1)
Helmet: Cap (Color: 1, 16 Accent Color: 1, 1)

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Trenchcoat (Color: 1, 1 Shirt Color 1, 10)
Cloth: None
Gloves: None

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Baggy (Color: 1, 1)
Belt: Utility (Color: 1, 1 Accent Color: 1, 16)
Boots: Sneakers (Color: 1, 13 Accent Color: 1, 28)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: Full Beard Short (Color: 1, 1)
Chest: None

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: None

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose Width: 10
Nose Length: 10
Mouth Width: 10
Lip Size: 10
Cheekbones: 10
Cheek Width: 10
Jaw Width: 10
Eyelids: 20
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style (Lunchbox)
Preset: Defensive
Stance: Sumo

Weapon Style (Jedi)
Weapon Type: Swords
Weapon: Kori Blade
Preset: None
Stance: Machete

Special Moves
Projectile: Flame On
Charge: Flying Lunge
Disabling: Spear
Teleport: Boot Kamp
Throw: Front Flip

Voice: Small Male 2
Victory: Jeet Kune Do

The Rationale
Sadly, Cardinal Glick's putter or a Lightsaber... ahem... Sektor's Pulse Blade are not selectable weapons, so I had to improvise. I also had to improvise when it came to Silent Bob's large frame. The best I could do was to fake it with the Sumo fighting style. Next time Midway tries a KAF mode, they need different body types and maybe different facial expressions as well because Silent Bob without his permanant visage of surprise is, well, surprising.

The special moves, however, work much better. Silent Bob's lighter has been upgraded to a flamethrower with the Flame On move. Mallrats is well represented with the Flying Lunge (AKA "Fly fatass! Fly!") and the Spear move (AKA his little grappling hook). And who could forget the screams of "No ticket!" when he pulls out the Front Flip throw on an unsuspecting foe.

Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson is the most violent man in America, ergo, he is a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat. Don't believe me? Check out any one of Jack's recent tirades both before and after his Contempt charges in Florida the other day. The man was ready to massacre that judge. And with the recent release of Bully, he's gone and added flaming homophobia to his list of virtues. When it comes to kombatants, Jack is truly in a class by himself.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Medium (Skin Color: 4, 13)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: Old
Hair: Anime 3 (Color: 1, 15)
Helmet: None

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Suit (Color: 1, 6 Accent Color: 2, 6)
Cloth: None
Gloves: None

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Tuxedo (Color: 1, 5)
Belt: None
Boots: Tuxedo (Color: 1, 4)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: None (Optional: Devil Horns)
Chest: None

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: None

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose Width: 4
Nose Length: 15
Mouth Width: 10
Lip Size: 8
Cheekbones: 20
Cheek Width: 17
Jaw Width: 17
Eyelids: 0
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style (Legalese)
Preset: Aggressive
Stance: Shotokan

Weapon Style (Objection)
Weapon Type: Axes
Weapon: War Hammer
Preset: None
Stance: Crude Hammer

Special Moves
Projectile: Chi-Blast
Charge: Unassigned
Disabling: Banshee Scream
Teleport: Mind Warp
Throw: Heel To The Gut

Voice: Small Male 1
Victory: Unassigned

The Rationale
Jack Thompson is all legs and is a deadly mid-range opponent.

Jack's personality meshes perfectly with many of the Kreate A Fighter options. He fights with the Aggressive Shotokan stance as it gives him that puffed out self-important look that is critical to a guy like Jack Thompson. His projectile is a big fireball known as the Chi-Blast because he's always spouting flames on the Internet. And going for the obvious, Jack uses the Banshee Scream because he's always yelling (even when others want to have a civil conversation with him). It's clear that raising his voice that much must have some kind of defensive capabilities, otherwise why would a person constantly act like that in public?

As the fight wears on Jack will just get worse. If the battle isn't going well he can pull out gavel-inspired War Hammer and try to restore order to the battlefield. And if he somehow manages to win the day, Jack has no victory pose because, let's face it, he's never won.

Finish Him
All in all, the MKA Kreate A Fighter mode is a pretty fun piece of the game. And if anyone out there in the series of tubes that is the Internet has some great designs, feel free to send the formula (and pictures if you've got 'em) to If I get enough responses it might be fun to run Reader's Kreations Kollection of Kreate A Fighters.

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