News: Episodic game will begin downloading on XBLA in early 2008.
After being prematurely revealed in the most recent issue of EGM, Gabe Tycho and Hothead Games have used the opening of the Penny Arcade Expo to announce that the first episode of Penny Arcade Adventures, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, will debut on the Xbox Live Arcade in early 2008. Gamers are also encouraged to check out the game's newly launched official site at
"We're very excited to be bringing our game series to Xbox Live Arcade," said Vlad Ceraldi, Hothead's President. "We love Xbox Live Arcade's ability to deliver great content directly to gamers. Digital distribution lets indie game developers innovate and experiment with new gameplay concepts."
As a Penny Arcade fanatic, this just makes me tingly, I don't think my PC would have been up to the challenge. We'll have more on all things Penny Arcade soon.