News: Being braindead never stopped anybody from saving the world.
Ignition Entertainment has announced they will be bringing... deep breath... Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys! to the DS next Spring.
The story in Teenage Zombies makes perfect sense. Aliens (that are giant brains) have invaded Earth and mindzapped all of humanity. But in the process theyy disturbed the graves of three teenage zombies, who have now awoken to the biggest zombie buffet in history. So the teenage zombies go on a "side-scrolling adventure" with "stylus mini-games, double-screen boss battles, and brain busting puzzle challenges" all in the name of scarfing down The Big Brain.
Teenage Zombies will be told in a "whimsical style" that will invoke comic books, 1950s sci-fi movies and (of course) zombie movies. It will also feature these features:
Unique Comic Mode which drives the story with an interactive comic book style presentation
Platforming gameplay that requires the player to swap between characters to solve levels
Each character has their own unique abilities to aid them through their adventure
Mini-games featuring the zombies (or their body parts) using all the Nintendo DS features
The Big Brain Challenge Ц a series of quick micro mini games that happen at anytime during gameplay to win or lose against the Big Brain
ZAPS! (Zombie Assembly Pop-up Screen) Ц a mini-game where you use collected body parts to quickly create a zombie to regain your Уunhealth pointsФ
Teenage Zombies is being developed by InLIght Entertainment and we'll have more soon.