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Which Game Looked The Best At the Xbox Developer Direct?

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
South of Midnight
Ninja Gaiden 4
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
Doom: The Dark Ages

 Written by John Scalzo  on November 30, 2007

Special: We continue our regular look at the exclusive titles on each of the next-generation consoles.

As of this month, the gaming world has officially been a part of the "next-generation of consoles" for a year. Which means two things. One, I think it's high time everybody (journalists, fanboys and PR companies) should stop referring to anything PS3, Wii or Xbox 360-related as "next-gen." And two, it's the perfect time to once again examine the exclusive games situation among the three consoles.

Not much has changed since our last update in September. The Wii is still on top by a considerable margin, the Xbox 360 is in a respectable second and the PS3 once again has roughly half the number of exclusives as the second place console. To determine what is and is not an exclusive game, we have developed a set of rules and the rules of The Exclusive Arms Race are very simple:

Eligibility Rules
1. These are Уconsole exclusivesФ. So if a game appears on the PC and only one console, it is exclusive to that console. Also, because of the limitations of the DS, PSP and GBA, any game that appears on only one console and a handheld will be considered exclusive to that console.

2. Downloadable games and content packs will not be included. Downloadable games may be added in the future, but considering the number of УexclusiveФ content pack deals flying around (i.e. Grand Theft Auto IV), the word doesn't end up meaning anything.

3. УNext-Gen exclusivesФ will not be counted. So we won't be counting games that appear on only one next-gen console but also on the PS2, Xbox or GC. So The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Burnout: Revenge and others are all out.

4. No Уfantasy gamesФ. That means that these lists will only include games that have been formally announced by a publisher and have at least a working title. So that means games like УUnannounced LucasArts/Day 1 Next-Gen ProjectФ and УUntitled Namco RPGФ won't be included.

5. The list will focus mainly on games scheduled to release in North America. Import titles (including games released exclusively for one console only in Japan or Europe) will not be counted. Unreleased titles that are likely to come to America will be counted, but will be dropped from the list if a North American release date is not announced after the game is released in its home region.

Other Rules
1. While the list is still made up of "console exclusives", games that have been starred with an asterick (*) are titles that will also available on the PC. These games are then totaled up and displayed next to the total along with the percentage of the total these games take up.

2. We have attempted to rank the exclusives by highlighting games in green that have earned an aggreagate score of 75 or better on MetaCritic. Again, the number and percentage of released games with a score of 75 or better is included next to the total.

3. We have attempted to predict the future and all unreleased games that come from a "proven franchise" will also be highlighted in green and counted. A game is considered part of a proven franchise if the most recently released game in the series scored a 75 or better at MetaCritic.

3a. We will attempt to differentiate between main series games and spinoffs so for example, Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be judged by Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Halo Wars will be considered a new part of the Halo franchise and will not be marked as "green".

So with the rules established, here's what the current totals look like. And like any good Cold War, they are in bar graph form for that whole УI have more missiles than you and it's the end of the world as we know itФ feel:

For those that wish to track the changes from our previous lists, they can be found here:
October 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007

With all that out of the way, here is the full list of exclusives for each console. While we cannot guarantee it is a complete list, they are as accurate as possible as of the day this article was published.

Xbox 360 (100 [+3])
*Also On PC (39 [39%])
Games with a Metascore of 75 or Better
+ Proven Franchises (37 [37%])

Released (63)
Games with a Metascore of 75 or Better (28 [44%])

Ace Combat 6: Fires of LiberationNamco Bandai80
America's Army: True SoldiersUbisoftNA
Amped 32K Games72
Battlestations: Midway*Eidos73
Beautiful KatamariNamco Bandai74
BioShock*2K Games96
Blue DragonMicrosoft78
Bomberman: Act ZeroKonami34
Bullet WitchAtari55
Call of Duty 2*Activision90
Call of Juarez*Ubisoft72
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars*EA82
Condemned: Criminal Origins*Sega81
Dance Dance Revolution UniverseKonami74
Dead or Alive 4Tecmo85
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2Tecmo54
Dead RisingCapcom85
Earth Defense Force 2017D369
Eternal SonataNamco Bandai79
F.E.A.R. Files*Sierra70
FlatOut: Ultimate CarnageEmpire80
Forza Motorsport 2Microsoft90
Full AutoSega70
Fuzion Frenzy 2Microsoft48
Gears of War*Microsoft94
Halo 3Microsoft94
Hour of Victory*Midway40
Import Tuner ChallengeUbisoft53
Kameo: Elements of PowerMicrosoft79
Kengo: Legend of the 9Majesco39
Mass EffectMicrosoft92
MotoGP 06*THQ80
MotoGP 07*THQ78
Naruto: Rise of a NinjaUbisoft78
Ninety-Nine NightsMicrosoft61
Over G FightersUbisoft49
Perfect Dark ZeroMicrosoft81
PopCap Arcade Volume 1PopCapNA
Prey*2K Games79
Project Gotham Racing 3Microsoft88
Project Gotham Racing 4Microsoft86
Project Sylpheed: Arc of DeceptionMicrosoft69
Quake 4*Activision74
Ridge Racer 6Namco Bandai74
Rumble Roses XXKonami62
Saints RowTHQ81
Scene It? Lights, Camera, ActionMicrosoft72
Star Trek: Legacy*Bethesda64
Tenchu ZMicrosoft56
Tetris EvolutionTHQ53
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-earth II*EA79
The OutfitTHQ70
Top Spin 2*2K Games75
Two Worlds*Southpeak50
Vampire RainMicrosoft47
Viva Piёata*Microsoft84
Viva Piёata: Party AnimalsMicrosoft56
WarTech: Senko No RondeUbisoft58
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1MicrosoftNA

Unreleased (37)
Proven Franchises (9 [24%])

TitlePublisherRelease Date
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures*TBA2008
Alan Wake*Microsoft2008
All Points Bulletin*Webzen2008
Banjo-Kazooie 3Microsoft2007
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath *NEW*EA2008
Culdcept SagaNamco Bandai2008
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2KonamiTBA
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements*UbisoftTBA
Dead Island*TBA2008
Dead or Alive Code: CronusTecmoTBA
Dungeon Hero*Gamecock2009
Fable 2Microsoft2008
Far East of Eden ZiriaTBATBA
Halo WarsMicrosoft2008
Infinite UndiscoveryTBATBA
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of DoomMicrosoft2007
Left 4 Dead*Valve11/2007
Lost OdysseyMicrosoft2008
Marvel Universe Online*MicrosoftTBA
Mobile Ops: The One Year WarNamco Bandai2007
Ninja Gaiden 2 *NEW*Tecmo2008
Operation Darkness *NEW*Atlus2008
Postal III*TBA2008
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel*TBATBA
Spectral Force 3 *NEW*Atlus2008
The Secret World*TBATBA
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction*UbisoftQ4 2007
Too HumanMicrosoft2008
Universe At War: Earth Assault*Sega2008
Warhammer: Battle March*Namco Bandai2008
World in Conflict*Sierra2008

The Wii list, the PlayStation 3 list and some final analysis can be found on the next two pages.

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