News: But who are they? Who who... who who?
Harmonix has finally revealed the 20 additional songs they will make available to download for free to those that purchase Rock Band 2. They will be available November 4 on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live and in December on the Wii.
Here's the full list:
"Sons and Daughters" - The 88
"No Regrets" - Authority Zero
"Prequel To The Sequel" - Between the Buried and Me
"Bounce" - The Cab
"Get It On" - The Chevelles
"Give It To Me" - The Cocktail Slippers
"Database Corrupted" - Dealership
"I Wanna Be Your Man" - Endeverafter
"Ashes To Fire" - The Ghost Hounds
"Young" - Hollywood Undead
"The Feeling" - Kutless
"If I Ain't Got You" - The Len Price 3
"I'm Gone, I'm Going" - Lesley Roy
"Burn You Down" - Opiate for the Masses
"Magnetic Baby" - Semi-Precious Weapons
"Like a Fool" - Shaimus
"Crazy Tuesday" - Thenewno2
"The Time Is Wrong" - Tickle Me Pink
"Desperate Times, Desperate Measures" - Underoath
"I.V." - X Japan
So yeah. Beyond Kutless and Underoath, I've never even heard of any of these bands? Can anyone out there enlighten me?