News: You'll get your first crack at RE5 in less than two weeks.
Capcom has announced that a demo for Resident Evil 5 will be available exclusively on the Xbox Live Marketplace beginning on January 26. The two level demo will be available exclusively for one week and will include both single player and co-op play.
The demo's two levels will introduce players to the first two levels of the game, Assembly Place and Shanty Town, and a variety of infected enemies including "an army of weapon-wielding infected Majini, the gigantic hooded Majini Executioner and even the dreaded Chainsaw Majini."
The demo will include plenty of options as the game's co-op mode will be on full display in three different flavors: single player with AI support, two player splitscreen on a single Xbox 360 and two player online play over Xbox Live. Resident Evil 5's new control scheme will also get a workout in the demo as players will be given a choice to use the "Classic" control scheme found in
Resident Evil 4 or the new "Action" scheme that Capcom says was inspired by
Gears of War 2.
A new trailer for the game, last seen at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show, will also be made available to download on the XBLM on January 26. Resident Evil 5 will be available in stores on March 13.