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Which Game Looked The Best At the Xbox Developer Direct?

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
South of Midnight
Ninja Gaiden 4
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
Doom: The Dark Ages

Xbox 360
Xbox 360 support is ending in the Games with Gold program with one of the biggest third-party titles to arrive on the platform.

The Xbox 360 generation ended almost a decade ago which means that Microsoft will no longer be offering those games as part of their monthly offering.

With Halloween right around the corner the titles being offered are a bit on the spooky side.

Not a whole lot of surprises but it is interesting to see what sold the best the past ten years, with one franchise dominating the chart.

You can save a good amount of money right now by buying Xbox games digitally.

Xbox Live Gold members will be receiving four free games during the month of September, all playable on Xbox One.

News Headlines
Games With Gold Will No Longer Offer Xbox 360 Games After October 2022
 Xbox 360  09/02/22 01:39:19 PM
Xbox 360 support is ending in the Games with Gold program with one of the biggest third-party titles to arrive on the platform.
Games With Gold Will No Longer Offer Xbox 360 Games Beginning in October 2022
 Multiplatform  07/05/22 11:19:34 AM
The Xbox 360 generation ended almost a decade ago which means that Microsoft will no longer be offering those games as part of their monthly offering.
Xbox Live Games With Gold October 2020 Games Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  09/30/20 11:31:04 AM
With Halloween right around the corner the titles being offered are a bit on the spooky side.
NPD Releases List of the Top 20 Selling Games of the Past Decade
 Multiplatform  01/16/20 06:09:36 PM
Not a whole lot of surprises but it is interesting to see what sold the best the past ten years, with one franchise dominating the chart.
Black Friday Microsoft Sales Give You Up To 85% Off On Games
 Multiplatform  11/28/19 04:12:45 PM
You can save a good amount of money right now by buying Xbox games digitally.
Xbox Live Gold September 2019 Games Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  08/29/19 01:12:15 PM
Xbox Live Gold members will be receiving four free games during the month of September, all playable on Xbox One.
Xbox Games With Gold August 2019 Titles Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  07/31/19 12:00:31 AM
You get a nice mixture of titles for the month of August including one title that will lead up to the release of its successor in September.
Xbox Games With Gold March 2019 Lineup Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  02/28/19 04:36:36 PM
Xbox Live Gold members will receive two Xbox One games, one Xbox 360 game, and one original Xbox game.
Xbox Games With Gold February 2019 Covers Three Different Console Generations
 Multiplatform  01/29/19 06:31:18 PM
There is a nice selection of titles for the month of February that has two big backward compatible titles and of course two Xbox One titles.
Xbox Live Games With Gold October 2018 Lineup Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  09/26/18 10:57:20 AM
Xbox Live Gold members will be receiving four new games throughout the month of October, all playable on Xbox One.
Xbox Live Games With Gold September 2018 Lineup Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  08/29/18 09:58:36 AM
Two more Xbox One and Xbox 360 games are added to the Games With Gold library.
Xbox Live Games With Gold July Titles Revealed by Microsoft
 Multiplatform  06/28/18 11:26:31 AM
Xbox Live Gold members will be receiving four new games in July, with all of them being playable on Xbox One.

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